Lifepro Whole Body Vibration Plate Workout Poster – Comprehensive Vibration Plate Exercise Machine Exercise Poster with Training Suggestions & Detailed Instructions in Convenient Workout Chart
TRAINER-APPROVED POSITIONS FOR REDUCING PAIN, SWELLING, & RECOVERY TIME – Add this vibration plate exercise chart to your workout posters & follow the detailed examples for quick recovery & massage sessions!
INCREASE YOUR ENERGY, BALANCE, & FLEXIBILITY – Exercise posters are a huge help when training. Boost your circulation, lymphatic drainage, & more by easily following the fitness poster whole body vibration examples.
NOW ROLLED & PROTECTED, THANKS TO YOUR REVIEWS – The 19″ x 27″. Non Laminated poster now comes rolled up in a tube to protect from creases! Learn to tap into the vibration plate exercise machine programs for improving your endurance, bone mass, and caloric burning.
Lifepro Whole Body Vibration Plate Workout Poster – Comprehensive Vibration Plate Exercise Machine Exercise Poster with Training Suggestions & Detailed Instructions in Convenient Workout Chart
TRAINER-APPROVED POSITIONS FOR REDUCING PAIN, SWELLING, & RECOVERY TIME – Add this vibration plate exercise chart to your workout posters & follow the detailed examples for quick recovery & massage sessions!
INCREASE YOUR ENERGY, BALANCE, & FLEXIBILITY – Exercise posters are a huge help when training. Boost your circulation, lymphatic drainage, & more by easily following the fitness poster whole body vibration examples.
NOW ROLLED & PROTECTED, THANKS TO YOUR REVIEWS – The 19″ x 27″. Non Laminated poster now comes rolled up in a tube to protect from creases! Learn to tap into the vibration plate exercise machine programs for improving your endurance, bone mass, and caloric burning.
WORKOUT CHARTS FOR TONING YOUR UPPER-BODY, ARMS, & SHOULDERS – Relieve tension & build strength in your arms, shoulders, & upper body with the detailed pose examples for any Lifepro vibration plate.
PERFECT EXERCISES FOR BUILDING CORE STRENGTH & SHAPING YOUR ABS – Choose a crunch style from the whole body vibration examples and improve your core strength while building the abs of your dreams.
Specification: Lifepro Whole Body Vibration Plate Workout Poster – Comprehensive Vibration Plate Exercise Machine Exercise Poster with Training Suggestions & Detailed Instructions in Convenient Workout Chart
